I first “knew” Garry Lefebvre from the media when as a teen in
northern Alberta, I was struggling with the insecurity and identity issues of a
normal teenager. I felt stuck in a “no-man’s land” between the church and the
world. I could neither identify with the church nor the lifestyle of my peers,
which included a lot of drug-soaked parties and alcohol-influenced car
accidents. We were a half-step behind the boomer generation of drugs, sex, and
rock and roll, and it felt like my generation was always trying to “catch up”
to the boomers. This wasn’t for me, so I
went into sports, both participating and watching them. I dreamed of being a future star
quarterback or receiver for my favourite football team at the time, the Edmonton Eskimos. I wanted to help
lead them out of their severe drought of Grey Cup championships. However, as I
approached my mid-teens, the team began to improve. One of the stars at that time was Garry Lefebvre. Shortly after his arrival, the Eskimos were
finally in a Grey Cup Championship game, and even though they lost in that final, Garry won
the Canadian Player of the Game award.

In an age where there is a lot of talk not matched by walk,
Garry’s witness and testimony were remarkably consistent. He lived his faith.
His life and actions backed up everything he said. He was a genuine loving and
caring human being. His authenticity had a profound impact on his fellow-players
and coaches. Almost half the Edmonton Eskimo team became involved in prayer and
Bible studies.
Aware of the impact of sports stars on the young, Garry
founded Athletes in Action, and after
he retired from the CFL, he and his wife, Sandi, founded Circle Square Ranch in Halkirk, Alberta, where thousands of teens
came for summer camps. These teens were profoundly touched by Garry’s faith and
witness in the context of the beautiful outdoors.
The story doesn’t end there for Garry and me. I became a youth
pastor in Calgary, and due to significant growth in our youth group, I began to
receive invitations to speak at youth camps, retreats, and rallies across the
country. One of the invitations received was from my hero, Garry Lefebvre and
his wife, Sandi to speak at their Circle Square Ranch. Garry had heard about my ministry
in Calgary so he wanted me to speak to the teens at Circle Square Ranch. As in a lot of summer camp programs, the teens
at Circle Square Ranch engaged in a
lot of healthy outdoor activities, including horseback riding. It seemed being
close to nature opened these teens up to spiritual things. Some of the most
moving and powerful times of speaking to youth that I can remember occurred for
me at these Circle Square Ranch meetings. It seemed like God came down and camped with us! I
believe it was because Garry and Sandi did such a fantastic job of “setting the
table,” that the hearts of the teens were softened and receptive to the message
of the Good News. They had set this table by providing a loving and wholesome
environment where the teens felt safe and connected, and of course they prayed earnestly
for each one of them. I still remember vividly those nights were kids would
jump up in response to my sermons in tears, crying out, “I take the Cross!” as a
declaration that they were following Jesus. Much healing and deliverance occurred.
Just as special were the times at Circle Square Ranch when Kathleen
and I would sit around the breakfast table with Garry and Sandi, while we were enjoying
our morning coffee, and we would reflect on the evening prior and the wonderful
things we had been seeing God do in the kids. We would talk for hours about Jesus and
the kingdom of God and God’s heart for our generation as well as for Canada. My
hero, Garry Lefebvre, had become my friend. With great joy, I was able to
reciprocate his invitation. Shortly after, he came to speak at our church in
Garry and I stayed in touch throughout the years,
including my “post-breakdown” Kelowna
days during which time Garry and Sandi founded a small church in that city.
Again, I preached for them but most enjoyable was our continuing friendship. One
of my favourite moments was the time we were hanging out at Gyro beach, and we
were throwing a football around. Garry always preferred to kick the ball than to
throw it, so he began kicking sky-high punts for me to catch. A man was
observing us and he came up to Garry and said to him, “You kick well. Did you
play high school ball?” I grinned at Garry, and he grinned back at me. Typical of
Garry, he acknowledged that he indeed, played high school ball, but he never
offered any further information to the fellow. That was just his way. He was
always so humble, gentle, joyful and unassuming. His life wasn’t about Garry. It
was about knowing Jesus, and making him known to others in word and in deed. I
believe that was his greatest success. Still, in that moment, I knew I had to
interject, so I said to the man watching us, “Excuse me, this is Garry Lefebvre,
a former CFL star with the Edmonton Eskimos.” I’m sure the man must’ve felt a
bit sheepish, but I had to say it. I had
to brag about my friend and hero!
Well, let me brag some more. Garry has just won his greatest achievement, and I know
it’s the one I know means the most to him. Early Wednesday morning, he passed
from this life. He has now heard Jesus say to him, “Well done, good and faithful
servant.” With a lump in my throat, I say, farewell dear friend, until we meet
again. Thank you for the legacy of your courage and faith that continues to
inspire me and give me courage to finish my race. “I have fought the good fight, I have finished the race, I have kept the faith...” (2 Timothy 4:7).
See Edmonton
Eskimos mourn the passing of Garry Lefebvre and thanks to Todd Rutkowski, Garry's nephew, for the FB pics.
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