Our 5-month Sabbatical began with
nearly a month in Korea. Why Korea? Well, that’s a story that goes
back a ways. It was Easter, 1974. I was a teenager, living in the
Peace Country of northern Alberta, and after a series of frustrating
and painful events, I surrendered my life rather quietly to Christ. I
tried to do so “under the radar,” so to speak. I didn’t want my
parents to know, as I wanted the decision to be my own. I also wanted
to make sure my commitment was for real. That very Easter, my dad
took our family on a holiday to Vancouver, my first visit to the
city. It was pretty exciting as before then, the biggest city I had
ever been to was Edmonton. I was immediately captivated by the
beauty, mystery, and wonder of Vancouver. For the next decade, I
cherished any opportunity I had to visit. A few years later, Kathleen
and I got engaged in Vancouver at the city centre!
After we were married, I accepted an
invitation to be a youth and associate pastor at Calgary Christian
Centre – a rapidly growing church in Calgary. Our youth group,
after struggling for the first two years, grew from a handful in
1978, into the hundreds by the early 1980’s. The influx of teens
and young adults resulted in the launch of a local church based
discipleship training school, and a Bible College that graduated
dozens of Christian leaders, pastors, and church planters. We
garnered a lot of attention and I became increasingly in demand as a
guest speaker across the country, particularly at youth related
In 1985, I was asked to be part of a
small delegation of youth pastors from across Canada and the US to
visit the world’s largest church – Yoiddo Full Gospel Central
Church in Seoul, Korea. At the time, the church claimed over 500,000
The father of one my friends on the tour was on the board of
Yonggi Cho, the pastor of the church, whom I had the opportunity to
meet briefly. Visiting Korea was one of the most remarkable
experiences of my life. As I have shared many times, I was
particularly impacted by the prayer life of the Korean Christians, to
which they attributed their remarkable growth. I have relayed the
story many times, but for decades, I never gave a thought to ever
visiting Korea again. I felt like a “tourist” on my first visit
and I couldn’t relate to the Korean culture nor to the sheer
magnitude of the Korean church.
During some sabbatical housecleaning, Kathleen found this photo from 1985,. We're with Yonggi Cho, pastor of the world's largest church. Can you guess which one is me? Minus the tie, not much has changed, eh? |
Back in Calgary, I began to feel a deep
restlessness to leave everything behind and start a new life in
Vancouver. But, due to a lot of demands on me, both locally and
abroad, and especially because of my inability to come to a
resolution, my nervous system broke down. In 1988, I suffered a
severe breakdown that left me incapacitated and there followed three
years of “wilderness wanderings” which included Kelowna, Calgary,
Zimbabwe, Lethbridge, and then two years with the house church
movement in the UK.
Finally, in 1991,
with virtually no earthly possessions besides our little K car, and a
U-Haul full of mostly my books, we arrived in Vancouver’s Eastside,
with our two children, Christian and Danielle, who were 11 and 8 at
the time. We rented a little 2 bedroom apartment at 3rd
and McLean. We felt God say, “Just live in the city, and love
people without an agenda.” I took a clerical job at UBC and worked
there for 5 years. Gordie Guiboche, whom we knew from our Calgary
days, was our first housemate, (along with Gizmo, our Vancouver cat!)
We soon joined Joe and Charmaine Kelder and the Vancouver Vineyard,
who welcomed and embraced us. In 1996 when Joe and Charmaine took a
one-year sabbatical, we became lead pastors, and have been so since
that time.
Through my tuition benefits at UBC,
Kathleen, who was already a school teacher, was able to obtain her
TESL (Teaching English as a Second Language). She began teaching
international students and new Canadians through various agencies in
the city. She soon became much in demand by Koreans to teach their
youth English. Three years ago, we made connections with an agency
from Korea that began to send university students for English
language intensives with Kathleen while living in our home as
homestays. Having these students in our home changed everything for
me. They quickly became part of our family and worked their way
deeply into our hearts. They would stay from one to three months.
Every parting was heart-rending. This started in 2012 and by January
of 2015, we had hosted nine different students. All were unique in
their own right, and completely lovable, and enjoyable. We prepared
and ate meals together. We went on at least one weekly outing or
recreational event together. Most loved helping me do the weekly shop
to the great amusement of the Safeway cashiers.
Initially, when I had first visited
Korea in the 1980’s, all I had seen was the passionate church
culture of the Korean Christians. I had little engagement with the
Korean culture outside of the church. Yet, in spite of the massive
mega-churches in Seoul, most of Korea is still not Christian. Right
in our own home, we got the opportunity to experience this whole
other side of Korea that I had missed when I had visited there the
first time. Most of the students who came into our home were not
Christians and some were actually quite hostile to religion, having
experienced what they called the “aggressive” tactics of
Christians back in Korea. Others were quite put-off by the perceived
corruption of the megachurches due to their size and influence.
One student, Eunsoo, initially refused
to come to our home when she found out I was a pastor. The agency
encouraged her to reconsider based on our good references, and later,
she told us that when she viewed our profile and picture, she felt
“something warm” come over her, so she decided to give it a go.
She felt that same feeling when she walked into our home, and when
she first walked into our church! We’re so glad she came as we are
now friends forever. She had a remarkable encounter with God while
she was with us, but, we always left it up to the students as to
whether they would come to church or not. Some did, and some didn’t.
We loved them all the same, of course.
Those who did come to church
became a beloved part of our community. VEV has been so wonderful in
welcoming people like Eunsoo, HanKyeol, HyunJin, and SoHee, who last
year went with us to Lower Post and was such a delightful addition to
our Mission to the Kaska Dene First Nations – a dream come true for
us! Koreans have a remarkable connection with First Nations –
partly due to sharing similar stories of having to overcome
colonization and oppression.
Kathleen with one of our homestay daughters, HyunJin, affectionately as "Jini" to many at VEV. Do you think she loves Kathleen? |
Another significant person in our
remarkable Korean adventure was a young woman named Kyung Jin who
showed up at our church in 2013. Kyung Jin was referred to the
Vineyard by her spiritual director in Seoul, and she quickly became a
part of our church and joined our worship team for four or five
months. She then returned to Seoul and we lost touch for some time,
but later, she became the “angel of Seoul” for us on our
sabbatical in Korea.
Through all of these amazing
encounters, I began to feel a deep desire to return to Korea again
after 30 years. Kathleen had previously asked me to consider going to
Korea several times, and, at first, I had no desire at all, but our
homestays changed everything. I wanted to visit again – but this
time, not as a tourist, but as a friend, who had grown to deeply love
these Korean people. As the time for our sabbatical approached, it
became apparent that this was how we wanted to begin our sabbatical -
by going on an adventure to a completely different land, culture, and
people – a people we had so completely fallen in love with. For
Kathleen and me, Korea was where our vocational worlds came together
wonderfully. Through airmiles, we booked our tickets in January 2015.
We found out our flights took us through Beijing, China, so we
planned to stay there for a few days on the way home. During the
fall and winter of 2014/2015, I learned the Korean (Hangul) alphabet
and took language lessons. I did an intensive study of Korean history
– from the ancient Chosun Dynasty to the present time. By the time
our sabbatical had come, we could hardly wait to get on the plane.
All of our homestays could hardly believe we were coming when they
first got word.
I must confess, that while we were
excited, we were also scared. We had never done anything like this
before. We’d always had a tour bus or agency, or some kind of host
to receive us for international cross-cultural travel. This time, we
read lots of “Lonely Planet” books, and made all our own
arrangements for guesthouses. We did get some help from our Korean
friends for various aspects of our trip, but not as a whole package.
What would we eat? Would the Koreans understand English? Would my
limited Korean be enough? How would we get around the country, as our
homestays lived in various parts of Korea? In all honesty, we began
to have misgivings about whether this was the best way to start a
sabbatical. The potential for stress seemed really high.
However, on Easter Sunday, April 5,
2015, we were given such a remarkable sendoff by our church family.
During that service, we were prayed over and Kirsten, one of our
elders, gave us the prophetic word, “Have Fun!” There was
something releasing about that word that seemed to clear away any
residual anxiety, and on Monday, April 6, we embarked on our long
flight for Seoul, not sure what would be waiting for us on the other
side, but excited and much more at peace that a wonderful adventure
truly awaited us.
We were looking at that photo of you and Pastor Yonggi Cho!! You all had similar suits on too;) Awesome😊😊